Immigration of two Ulrich Steelys (variant spellings)

from Palatinate to Pennsylvania

Similarities: (see map below)

Both Urlichs left the Palatinate and boarded ships in Rotterdam bound for England. Then sailed to Philadelphia.

Differences: (see map below)

1. One left with other family members. Ulrich, Anna, Hans Peter, and Anna Barbra Steel. They left Palatinate, boarded the Pink Plaisance in Rotterdam, sailed to Cowes, and then on to Philadelphia, arriving on September 21, 1732. Eventually they bought property in Lancaster and Bern County, PA.

2. Uhllerich Stally left Palatinate alone, boarded the Francis & Elizabeth in Rotterdam, sailed to Deal, and then on to Philadelphia, arriving on September 21, 1742. Eventually, he bought property in Cumberland County in PA. This Ulrich (#185) is the father of Gabriel Steely (#93).

(Credit to Robert Steely for locating this map).


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